Monster Media 1995 #11
Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
78 lines
425_N211.ZIP 9270 05/21/95 425 DX News #211.
AMSAT.ZIP 38575 06/18/95 Amsat Bulletins.
ANART.ZIP 59746 06/18/95 Anart Bulletins.
ARBB.ZIP 38512 06/24/95 Amateur Radio BBS List.
ARLB.ZIP 1898 06/18/95 ARLB Bulletins.
ARLD.ZIP 4974 06/18/95 DX News.
ARLK.ZIP 5999 06/18/95 ARRL Keplerian Bulletins.
ARLX.ZIP 1459 04/20/95 ARLX Bulletins.
ARN_0695.ZIP 59402 06/01/95 Amateurradio Net(Sm) June 1995 Information
| Pack.
ARPD122.ZIP 48904 04/15/95 Amateur Radio Packet Door v1.22. Allows
| Land-Line BBS users to use Packet Radio
| online. Includes HELP and CHAT modes.
ARRL.ZIP 26601 06/18/95 ARRL Newsletters.
BARTG028.ZIP 3782 04/12/95 BARTG Bulletin 028 April, 1995.
CCATS131.ZIP 89537 04/19/95 CountyCAT-Ham Radio database v1.31. Helpful
| utility for county hunters earning the first
| time around award.
CSWL10.ZIP 80608 04/15/95 The Consummate SWL program.
FAXGATE.ZIP 63556 04/14/95 The FaxGate Project! Software and
| Information.
FODTRK12.ZIP 79774 04/02/95 FodTrack v1.2. Simple, straightforward
| program intended to control an
| azimuth-elevation rotator like the
| Yaesu-Kenpro 5400/5600, for any kind of
| satellite orbits.
GCX40A.ZIP 85847 05/19/95 Great Circle v4.0a. Distance/bearing utility
| for HAM/SWL. Adds 11 Russian cities; World
| Time Zones; and Favorite Station USERFILE.
INB.ZIP 6974 05/28/95 Island News Bulletins.
IRTS.ZIP 11264 05/23/95 IRTS Bulletins.
KLF_DIG.ZIP 8729 05/12/95 KLF-TALK Daily Digests.
MSCAN201.ZIP 154967 05/20/95 MicroScan v2.0. The shareware SSTV & FAX
| program for the PC.
NEMAPS.ZIP 75355 05/28/95 Maps for New England for the APRS (Amateur
| packet Report System)
NEWS.ZIP 63973 06/19/95 Newsline Issues.
OBS.ZIP 50414 06/19/95 Amsat Orbital Elements.
OPDX.ZIP 43367 06/19/95 OH/PA DX Bulletins.
PFQ.ZIP 82703 05/23/95 VK2PFQ President's address.
RAC0416.ZIP 6330 04/20/95 RAC Spcl News Bulletin.
RACES.ZIP 2665 06/19/95 Races Bulletins.
RADSIM30.ZIP 371091 05/01/95 RadioSim v3.0 <ASP> Simulation of a radio
| electric link (satellite link, terrestrial
| radiolink, mobile radio, etc.) in presence of
| noise, linear and non-linear distorsion, and
| interferers.
RMOBS022.ZIP 3986 06/19/95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #022 June
| 1995.
RSGB.ZIP 67306 06/19/95 RSGB Bulletins.
SATPRO10.ZIP 140486 06/09/95 SatPro! v1.00R. Communications program for
| use with PageSatSatellite System.
| Incorporates multi-file processing, on screen
| statistics, and will handle DOMAIN specific
SCDX.ZIP 31526 06/19/95 Sweden Calling DX.
SF104.ZIP 106149 05/24/95 SatFree v1.04. Comm downlink software for use
| with the PageSat Satellite system. Receive
| the new compressed feed without the cost.
SPC.ZIP 29954 06/19/95 Space News.
SSV4N3.ZIP 60894 05/16/95 South Scanner Satellite Services Chart volume
| 4 number 3 (dated May 16, 1995) - a COMPLETE
| chart of the North American television
| satellites and the audio/video services on
| them.
SWLIT121.ZIP 640636 05/24/95 SWLOGit v1.21. The ONLY program shortwave
| listeners will ever need. Loaded with
| features.
SWLREV.ZIP 27551 04/12/95 Shortwave Receiver Review.
TSN.ZIP 39192 06/19/95 Tele Satellite News.
USL.ZIP 4075 05/28/95 US Island Awards Bulletin.
USLDX045.ZIP 2120 05/14/95 US Islands DX Awards program.
VK2.ZIP 8505 05/23/95 Vk2 Wicen News.
WINGPS18.ZIP 383416 05/13/95 Global Positioning System (GPS satellite)
| software v1.8 for Windows.
WXFAX3_0.ZIP 174865 05/09/95 Wx Facsimile Database v3.0.
WXGPX41A.ZIP 631604 04/03/95 Weathergraphix v4.1a-new features/int.